Sunday, 16 November 2014

Visit to the Glamorgan Archives

On Wednesday 12th November, Class 5 visited the Glamorgan Archives in Cardiff as part of our topic on the First World War.

We were welcomed by Rhian who began by telling us about the terrible life and conditions of trench warfare during the First World War.

All of the children then imagined they were soldiers in a First World War trench, and wrote a postcard home to their family describing their daily life and how they were feeling.
Then we were told about the effects of war at home, including how life changed for women and also the requisition of schools for military hospitals.

We were then shown entries made in Pendoylan School's log book during the War years, recording how the children also helped the War effort. One extract also talked of celebrations to mark the end of the being shut for the remainder of the week!

Finally all of the children were really lucky to be able to handle 100 year old artefacts, including the actual log book from Pendoylan school, a Christmas card sent to the trenches and, incredibly, the diary of a serving officer from the Great War.

We all had a fantastic morning at the Archives, learning lots about the War and it's effect on local people. A huge thank you to Rhian and all of the staff at Glamorgan Archives.

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